Family Medical & Chiropractic Care

At this very moment people are lying in bed in agony from disc pain. Some are even contemplating surgery. Back surgery is at times warranted, however, it is considered by many that Cauda Equina Syndrome, which includes buttock numbness, leg weakness and bladder and bowel dysfunction, is the only absolute indication for surgery. Back surgery for disc pain known as herniation should only be attempted as a last resort. About 60,000 back surgeries are performed each year with an average failure rate of 53%. Today, you don’t have to live with that pain anymore. There is a new therapy to correct disc herniation without surgery with a high success rate. The creation of the TRITION DTS not only significantly reduces back pain in 86% of patients, but enables the majority of patients to return to a more active lifestyle.
Protecting the spinal cord are vertebrae (spinal bones) and also gelatin-like substances called intervertebral discs. These discs function as a shock absorber to the bones and undergo tremendous amounts of stress, often resulting in a herniation or “bulging”. Today many researchers believe that the disc is one of the most common sources of lower back pain. Surprisingly, the disc may start to show signs of wear and tear as early as age 15.
Disc degeneration may also damage spinal nerves and contribute to conditions in the pelvic area. Disc degeneration may cause such severe pain that sitting, standing, walking or lifting could be impossible. Other symptoms may include pain when urinating, defecating, sneezing and coughing; radiating pain down the leg or foot or a loss of muscular control may also occur.
The TRITON DTS process has been proven to relieve pain by enlarging disc space, reducing herniation, strengthening disc outer ligaments to help move the herniated area back into place, and reversing high intradiscal pressure through negative pressure.
Your TRITION DTS treatment begins with a series of daily sessions for two weeks followed by four weeks of treatments as needed. Each session consist of 10 to 25 minutes followed by a therapy session consisting of cryotherapy and electrical muscle stimulation to prevent spasm after treatment.
The TRITON DTS directs the treatment to the proper area of the spine and helps to mobilize the troubled disc segment without inducing further damage to the spine.